After photo, reduction of a hedgerow to allow more sunlight into the patients rooms.
Job:- To reduce the hedgerow to allow more sunlight for the patients and to see the amazing views of the fields.
Willow reduced.
Job: - to reduce the willow.
Complete. All the overgrown hedging reduced for new growth in the Spring.
During:- No arisings left for the client, everything is reduced into woodchip.
Before: - reduce the shrubs. Snow, sun or rain we will work to get the job done to our highest standards.
No problem for us, the conifers was stripped and removed in sections.
Customer in Wolverhampton was'nt getting any light in to her garden.
80 meters worth of holly hedge row to be removed.
During. Chipping all the brash as we go along through the wood chipper.
Job complete!
Holly hedge row turned into wood chippings.
Popular trees ready to be crowned at Veolia on a weekend.
Few hours later, all brash and logs removed and the car park is mess free.
30 FT Ash tree reduced to brash and logs. Area being blown off from debris.
Trees and hedging to be removed.
Job complete..!! All ready for the new footpath to be installed.
Several large Ash trees reduced to ground level. Not bad for a Saturday morning.